Personal Training

Knowing you should exercise,
then actually doing it are two very different things!

“Fi, I’m struggling to even get up off the floor these days,” one of my clients said to me when she first visited.
“My daughter is likely to be starting a family in the next year or two, and I want to be able to get down on the ground and help change that baby’s nappy! But right now, I just don’t feel that confident, so avoid having to be on the ground at all costs.”

This is just one of many familiar scenerio’s of the ladies who come to work with me.
Where the years have flown by and they have been busy raising their kids, working their tails off at their jobs, looking after ageing parents – and now they have finally come to a place where it’s time to give to themselves. To look after themselves.

And over those years, their muscles have slowly decreased in strength and size, making all those little day-to-day movements like getting up and down off the floor, or out of soft deep chairs, or stepping up on heights, or even blow drying their hair without having to give them arms a rest – far more challenging!

Which is where I step in to help.

In the safe and private environment of my garage, I help you to begin building back that lost strength, (which does come back! Don’t worry about that!) keeping you consistent, which is the absolute key when it comes to exercising – by keeping you accountable to our weekly sessions.

With over 15 years of experience, I continue to work with women who have injuries and niggles ranging from bad backs, crunchy knees, tight shoulders and more. Adapting each workout to fit in with where you are and what your body is capable of. 

Exercise is not exactly what everyone thinks of as ‘having a good time’ but with my methodolgy, sense of humour and having you never repeat a workout or get bored… I’ve been told by all – that their time with me is actually FUN!
Thus, the exercise piece isn’t this awful thing that many have experienced in the past! 

In-Person PT

Join me from the privacy of my home studio (garage!) as I take you through your session.

This is not your typical ‘gym’ setup – there are no big machines, scary weights racks or devices that look like they are better suited for medieval torture chambers…

Using free weights (dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands etc), will help you gain stability and balance, whilst simultaneously building your strength and muscle mass.

I’m a real stickler for technique so will be coaching you through the right ways to move, keeping you safe at all times, no matter what sore, aging or tight joints and muscles you may have.

Book Your First Session Here Contact Me To discuss your needs

Online PT

We all know the world changed in 2020 and forced many of us to think outside the box when it comes to working.

And that’s exactly how I started with Online Personal Training!

This option involves both you and I, logging into Zoom for our 30 minute workout – from the comfort of your home!

I will take you through your personalised session, written with your goals in mind and of course, using whatever equipment you have at home! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have many weights. You can even do bodyweight-only workouts, or invest in some very cheap equipment to get even better results and variety in your workouts.

It’s Effective

You will be amazed at how well this still works, despite not being in person!
I can still correct your technique, keep you safe and encourage you to keep moving until our session is finished.

  • No need to travel.

  • Workout while baby sleeps.

  • Fit it in between meetings.

Online PT sessions are the new way to workout!

Book Your First Session Here Contact Me To discuss your needs

Times and Investment

In-Person PT: 30 minutes – $40

In-Person PT: 45 minutes – $55

Online Personal Training: 30 Minutes – $40

Couples and Small Group Training available upon request.

Please contact me for your exact needs.

Training hours are between 8.30am to 3pm and 4-6pm, Monday to Friday.

Book Your Session Now! Contact Me To discuss your needs