Chicken with Grated Hash

Chicken thighs x 4-5

3 – 4 large carrots

3 – 4 large courgettes

2 capsicums of any colour

100g chopped walnuts

2 diced green apples (or no apple if making for dinner)

Large handfuls of baby spinach

4 Tbs pure apple juice or water

Chilli flakes to taste

Salt and pepper


Dice chicken into bite size pieces and stir-fry in a pan.

Meantime, grate by hand (food processor is quicker!) all the veges.

Toast the walnuts in a separate pan and set aside.

When chicken is cooked through, set aside.

Add all the veges to the pan or a large wok and stir-fry until cooked.

Add in the apple juice if using, or water instead.

Season with chilli flakes, salt and pepper.

Add the baby spinach and stir through until it’s wilted.

Cook the apple separately until done to your liking.

Lunch Serve

In a bowl, add the following then stir to combine and enjoy!

170g of the veges

112g of chicken

Half the apple portion

15g of the chopped walnuts.

Dinner serve

In a bowl, add the following then stir to combine and enjoy!

395g of the veges

112g of chicken

15g of the chopped walnuts.

Use the rest for the family, or store for future meals!